⚠️This is the first operational version of the handobook, but it is still a work in progress and will be heavily updated during 2024!⚠️

Risk Identification

Risk Identification#

Risk Identification brings the conceptual background and scoping step to an applied level by introducing the Toolbox together with the Climate Risk Workflow logic. For successfully implementing this step, context setting, objectives, and selected criteria need to find application. Also, as participation (learning, communication, consultation) is central to the CRA process, stakeholder roles together with their respective knowledge and expertise are introduced. Pursuing these two aspects allows to start exploring climate risks in more depth.

For the Toolbox application a set of workflows based on a selection of multiple climate hazards (floods, drought, heatwave, fire, snow, wind) is provided. With climate change these are expected to vary in their pattern, occurrence, duration and intensity. In addition to hazard information, exposure and vulnerability data are to be considered as key indicators for the risk assessment.

As a central outcome of the Risk Identification step, a broader risk exploration can build the fundament for understanding and finally selecting (relevant) Risk Workflows.