⚠️ This is the first operational version of the handbook, but it is still a work in progress and will be heavily updated during 2024! ⚠️


A comprehensive CRA profits from an extensive scoping as it sets the ground for further steps and therefore also lays the foundation for the extent and quality of the CRA. This initial process defines objectives (desired results of the analysis), context (subject of analysis, conditions), identifies stakeholders and assigns risk ownership. This step should result in an agreement on the approach to be used for the analysis. All sub-steps are informed by a pre-defined set of principles emerging from the conceptual background described in Before you start.


Define objectives#

The definition of objectives is an important task to better understand purpose, expected outcome and tem-poral and geographical boundaries of the CRA. Such considerations may entail a first brainstorming exercise, outlining expectations and needs may already include relevant hazards, impacted sectors or vulnerable or disproportionally affected groups. It is beneficial to outline the temporal and spatial boundaries as well as limitations of the risk assessment or adaptation measures, thus providing relevant insights for next steps of the CRA.

Set the context#

When conducting the scoping step, a region should elaborate on the context of their CRA (context analysis) by linking it both to the background that it comes from as well as the space that it will inform. This implies a broad contextualization ranging from risk relevant governance and policy aspects for the region (procedural, legislative, institutional conditions), the formulation of a clear system definition for the risk assessment including temporal and spatial dimensions as well as the consideration of available time and resources.

Participatory processes and risk ownership#

The ideal implementation of an inclusive CRA is hybrid and thus combines top-down application and knowledge together with bottom-up perspectives and experiences. Therefore, it is important for a region to decide the extent of participatory processes that are desired, also in the light of available resources. Once this is clarified, it is necessary for a region to identify a first set of stakeholders by identifying representatives of, for example, impacted sectors, vulnerable groups or disproportionally affected areas, ministries, academia, civil protection agencies or other local and regional entities involved in CRM planning. A proper CRA profits from insights from a variety of fields sharing their expertise or addressing their needs and concerns. Besides the Who it is also relevant to decide When and How stakeholders, experts and representatives should be included. Planning this thoroughly is important as stakeholder participation may lead to an increase of (time) efforts. Further, in this step it is crucial to allocate ownership of risk to ensure communication and efficient CRM.


Fig. 5 Illustration created by Scriberia with The Turing Way community. CC-BY 4.0. 10.5281/zenodo.3332807#