Support is offered by the CLIMAAX project for climate risk assessments following the Framework and utilizing the workflows in this Handbook.
Public and exclusive support
The Handbook with the Framework description, workflows, technical documentation and supporting pages are public and open to everyone. You can get reach out to us with questions and contribute via the Forum and GitHub, independent of your relationship with the CLIMAAX project.
The service desk and JupyterHub server are exclusively offered to our project partners and participating regions that receive financial support through the CLIMAAX project. We are currently accepting applications to our second Open Call.
We recommend to always check the Handbook for information before reaching out to us. The website is regularly updated by the CLIMAAX team and frequently asked questions added to our FAQ. A basic search function is available in the top left under our logo or you can use your favourite search engine.
When reaching out to us, please prefer our general channels, i.e. the forum, GitHub and service desk, rather than contacting individuals from the CLIMAAX team directly via email. This way we can process requests more efficiently and transparently.
ECMWF account#
To use the support described below, registering at ECMWF is necessary. An account is created by following these steps:
Go to
Select “Log in” in the top right corner.
Select “Register” in the box at the bottom.
Follow the instructions to create a new account.
An ECMWF account will also give you access to datasets in the Copernicus Climate Data Store which are used extensively in the risk assessment workflows.
A CLIMAAX tag is available to associate topics in any category of the public ECMWF forum with the CLIMAAX project. All topics with our tag can be viewed on a dedicated overview page. Posts in the forum are public and anyone registered can participate, giving you the opportunity to interact with the whole CLIMAAX community.
Service desk#
For questions and support related to the CLIMAAX Handbook, including the Framework, workflows, datasets and software, as well as all services associated with your ECMWF account, the exclusive CLIMAAX service desk can be contacted via our support request form:
Go to
Log in with your ECMWF account if you are not already. Information and help for the login process is available in the user documentation of ECMWF.
Provide a title and description of your request and make sure to select the “CLIMAAX” service in the list at the bottom. We recommend to also add “CLIMAAX” to the title or description of your request to make sure your request reaches the CLIMAAX team without delay.
Click “Create” to send the request.
The service desk team will provide a first response to eligible requests in at most 3 working days. You will receive email notifications with updates to the status of your request. Depending on the topic of the request, experts from the CLIMAAX team, e.g., the developers of a specific risk assessment workflow, are consulted when answering a request. Service desk requests are otherwise private.
The exclusive CLIMAAX JupyterHub server provides access to a JupyterLab web interface where the risk assessment notebooks from the Handbook can be edited and executed on ECMWF cloud computing infrastructure.
The software environment preinstalled on the hub contains everything needed to run the risk assessment workflows from the Handbook and is managed by the CLIMAAX team. A limited amount of disk storage is attached to your account, so you can upload your own datasets or download datasets from other providers to the cloud for use in workflows. Please note that while your data is persistent in the cloud, we do not provide backups and therefore strongly recommend that you keep copies of important files in another location outside of the hub. Technical assistance for the JupyterHub is provided through the service desk as described above.
Two factor authentication must be activated on your ECMWF account to access the JupyterHub.
The availability of the CLIMAAX JupyterHub will be announced soon. We will then also provide more details about its usage.