Extreme precipitation: Changes under climate scenarios workflow.

Extreme precipitation: Changes under climate scenarios workflow.#

Extreme precipitation is characterized by the occurrence of a large amount of rainfall within a short timeframe. The frequency and intensity of such extreme precipitation events are likely to change under the influence of climate change. These projected changes can translate to an increase in the frequency and magnitude of pluvial floods [urban and flash floods], as these result from the precipitation intensity exceeding the critical rainfall thresholds of natural and artificial drainage systems capacities.

The following workflow focuses on presenting these changes in precipitation for specific durations, return periods, Global-Regional climate model pairs and RPCs (Representation Concentration Pathways). The generated information can be utilised to identify whether the local critical impact rainfall thresholds for infrastructures, vulnerable locations or areas are exceeded (or not) under the influence of climate change scenarios.

For this analysis, EURO-CORDEX climate projections for precipitation flux at a 12km spatial resolution have been employed. These projections are readily accessible to the public through the Climate Data Store portal.

In this section you will find:

  1. Guidance on what are impact rainfall thresholds, the local knowledge to derive them, and a summary of the basic information needed to start executing the extreme precipitation workflow.

  2. Steps to calculate the expected intensities and return periods for a specific Global-Regional climate model chain and RCP.

  3. A climate risk assessment methodology for extreme precipitation. We have used Catalonia and the city of Blanes as regional and location-specific examples to guide you on how the code can be modified according to your research interest

  4. Real examples on how to use the extreme precipitation workflow to carry out a regional and local risk assessment.

We encourage you to explore the extreme precipitation workflow on your region!