Hazard Assessment for Wildfire - Machine Learning Approach#


In this section, an overview of the project and the goals of the analysis will be provided. This analysis is based on the hazard mapping works of Tonini et al. 2020, Trucchia et al. 2023.

The workflow is based on the following steps:

  • Data gathering and preprocessing.

  • Building a model for wildfire susceptibility using present climate conditions and synoptic wildfire events.

  • Projecting the model to future climate conditions.

  • For both cases, susceptibility can be evolved to hazard by considering the different plant functional types, which are a proxy for the intensity of potential wildfires. See Trucchia et al. 2023 for more details.

  • Damage assessment for different vulnearbility categories and exposed elements(roads) in order to get Risk maps.

  • Regarding climate, the analysis revolves around a High-resolution gridded climate data for Europe based on bias-corrected EURO-CORDEX: the ECLIPS-2.0 dataset. ECLIPS (European CLimate Index ProjectionS) dataset contains gridded data for 80 annual, seasonal, and monthly climate variables for two past (1961-1990, 1991-2010) and five future periods (2011-2020, 2021-2140, 2041-2060, 2061-2080, 2081-2100). The future data are based on five Regional Climate Models (RCMs) driven by two greenhouse gas concentration scenarios, RCP 4.5 and 8.5. See Debojyoti et al. 2020 for more details.

Preparation Work#

The notebook is configured for the Catalonia region in Spain as a case study. A prepared sample dataset for Catalonia is available from the CLIMAAX cloud storage.

Assessing risk for other regions

To assess the wildfire hazard and risk for a different region, data equivalent to the provided Catalonia sample have to be provided and substituted throughout the workflow. This includes:

  • A shapefile of the region (sample data in data_*/boundaries)

  • Digital Elevation Model (DEM) raster data (sample data for Spain in data_*/dem2_3035.tif)

  • Land cover data (sample data from CORINE in data/veg_corine_reclass.tif)

  • A dataset of historical fires (sample data in data_*/fires)

  • A climate dataset with parameters relating to fuel availability and fire danger (workflow based on ECLIPS-2.0; resized sample data in data_*/climate).

  • Vulnerability data (sample data from JRC with European coverage in /data/vulnerability; risk assessment only)

  • Exposure data, e.g. for critical infrastructure (sample data in data_*/exposure/; risk assessment only)

  • NUTS level data for aggregation (sample data for Spain in data/administrative_units_NUTS/; risk assessment only)

To simplify the creation of the climate dataset for input in the machine learning model, CLIMAAX provides a (partial) dataset mirror of relevant parameters from the ECLIPS-2.0 dataset. For the purposes of this workflow, we recommend downloading the ECLIPS-2.0 data via this mirror, as the original dataset is only provided as a single 87.2 GB-large compressed archive file. See below for options for obtaining the climate dataset.

Most of the analysis is based on raster calculations. The “base” raster is a clipped dem file (path in variable dem_path_clip below), which has been clipped using the extent of the Catalonia administrative shapefile. The raster is metric, using the EPSG:3035 projection, with 100 meter resolution, and with extent (left, bottom, right, top) given by:

3488731.355 1986586.650 3769731.355 2241986.650

Import libraries#

import os
import pathlib

import pooch
from tqdm import tqdm

import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
from scipy import signal
import rasterio
from rasterio import features
from rasterio.plot import show
import rasterio.plot
from rasterio.mask import mask

import sklearn
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches

Area name#

Path configuration#

Paths to data for the layers used in the notebook (mostly rasters and shapefiles).

# Folder for general input files
data_path = pathlib.Path("./data")

# Digital elevation model
dem_path_full = data_path / "dem2_3035.tif" # input
# Land cover
clc_path_full = data_path / "veg_corine_reclass.tif" # input

# ECLIPS-2.0 dataset folder (see below)
ECLIPS2p0_path = pathlib.Path("./ECLIPS2.0/")

Region-specific files (input and output) are separated from the general input files:

# Name for the area of interest (used for regional data folder and plot titles)
areaname = "Catalonia"

# Folder for regional input and output files
data_path_area = pathlib.Path(f"./data_{areaname}")

# Digital Elevation Model
dem_path = data_path_area / "dem"
dem_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
dem_path_clip = dem_path / "dem_clip.tif" # output
dem_path_slope = dem_path / "slope.tif" # output
dem_path_aspect = dem_path / "aspect.tif" # output
dem_path_easting = dem_path / "easting.tif" # output
dem_path_northing = dem_path / "northing.tif" # output
dem_path_roughness = dem_path / "roughness.tif" # output

# Land cover/use dataset
clc_path = data_path_area / "land_cover"
clc_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
clc_path_clip = clc_path / "veg_corine_reclass_clip.tif" # output
clc_path_clip_nb = clc_path / "veg_corine_reclass_clip_nb.tif" # output, non-burnable

# Fires
fires_path = data_path_area / "fires"
fires_path_shapes = fires_path / "Forest_Fire_1986_2022_filtrat_3035.shp" # input
fires_path_raster = fires_path / "fires_raster.tif" # output

# Shapefile for area of interest
bounds_path = data_path_area / "boundaries"
bounds_path_area = bounds_path / f"{areaname}_adm_3035.shp" # input

# Folder for resized ECLIPS-2.0 data
clim_path = data_path_area / "climate" # output
clim_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

# Output folder for hazard rasters
suscep_path = data_path_area / "susceptibility"
suscep_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

# Output folder for hazard rasters
hazard_path = data_path_area / "hazard"
hazard_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

Download Catalonia sample data#

To run the workflow for the Catalonia region, a sample input dataset is downloaded from the CLIMAAX cloud storage. We will download all files here before continuing. A registry for the data that can be used by the pooch package is included with the workflow repository (files_registry.txt). We load it here and retrieve all listed files. If any files were downloaded before, pooch will inspect the local file contents and skip the download if the contents match expectations.

The data is downloaded into the folder ./data_Catalonia (see variable areaname).

# Make sure that path configuration is appropriate for example dataset
assert areaname == "Catalonia"

# Pooch downloader for workflow directory and CLIMAAX cloud storage
sample_pooch = pooch.create(

# Download all files from the attached registry
for path in sample_pooch.registry:
    if not path.startswith(str(clim_path)):

ECLIPS-2.0 dataset#

To overlay wildfire polygons with climate data, and to perform future projections of wildfire hazard, a climate dataset is needed. Here, we make use of the ECLIPS-2.0 dataset based on bias-corrected EURO-CORDEX (Chakraborty et al., 2020).

ECLIPS-2.0 data variables#

Variable table


Variable name



Mean warmest month temperature



Mean coldest month temperature






Annual heat:moisture index



Summer heat:moisture index



Degree-days below 0°C



Degree-days above 5°C



Degree-days below 18°C



Degree-days above 18°C



Number of frost-free days



Longest frost-free period



Begining of FFP



End of FFP



Extreme minimum temperature



Annual mean temperaure



Annual total precipitation



Annual mean of minimum temperature



Annual mean of maximum temperature


Tmax_01 to Tmax_12

Maximum monthly temperatures


Tmin_01 to Tmin_12

Minimum monthly temperatures


Tave_01 to Tave_12

Mean monthly temperatures



Mean autumn temperature



Mean summer temperature



Mean spring temperature



Mean winter temperature



Maximum autumn temperature



Maximum summer temperature



Maximum spring temperature



Maximum winter temperature



Minimum autumn temperature



Minimum summer temperature



Minimum spring temperature



Minimum winter temperature



Mean autumn precipitation



Mean summer precipitation



Mean spring precipitation



Mean winter precipitation


PPT_01 to PPT_12

Mean monthly precipitation


The data is structured like this:




30 arcsec

Coordinate System

WGS 84


CRS (“+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84”), (EPSG:4326)

Data Format



-32.65000, 69.44167, 30.87892, 71.57893 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

Temporal scale

Past climate: mean of 1961-1990 & 1991-2010

Future periods: Means of 2011-2020, 2021-2040, 2041-2060, 2061-2080,2081-2100

Climate forcing scenarios

RCP 8.5 and RCP 4.5

Number of variables


We want the following set of variables:

  • MWMT, Mean warmest month temperature

  • TD, Continentality

  • AHM, Annual Heat-Moisture Index

  • SHM, Summer Heat-Moisture Index

  • DDbelow0, Degree-days below 0°C

  • DDabove18, Degree-days above 18°C

  • MAT, Annual mean temperaure

  • MAP, Annual total precipitation

  • Tave_sm, Mean summer temperature

  • Tmax_sm, Maximum summer temperature

  • PPT_at, Mean autumn precipitation

  • PPT_sm, Mean summer precipitation

  • PPt_sp, Mean spring precipitation

  • PPT_wt, Mean winter precipitation

With these descriptors we can catch some features related to fuel availability and fire danger:

  • MWMT, TD, DDbelow0, DDabove18, MAT, Tave_sm, Tmax_sm are related to temperature, with a particular focus on the summer season.

  • AHM, SHM, are related to the interplay between heat and moisture, also with a focus on summer period.

  • MAP, PPT_at, PPT_sm, PPt_sp, PPT_wt are related to precipitation, with a particular focus on the seasonality.

var_names = [
    "MWMT", "TD", "AHM", "SHM", "DDbelow0", "DDabove18", "MAT",
    "MAP", "Tave_sm", "Tmax_sm", "PPT_at", "PPT_sm", "PPT_sp", "PPT_wt"

Select historical period for model training#

First, we download historical data for the model training. ECLIPS-2.0 offers historical data for two periods:

  • 196190: 1961 to 1990

  • 199110: 1991 to 2010

Select your period (should cover fires database loaded later for model training):

hist_period = "199110"
# Account for a typo in the 199110 folder name
hist_folder = ("ECLPS2.0_" if hist_period == "199110" else "ECLIPS2.0_") + hist_period

# Create an id from the config to use in filenames
hist_config_id = f"HIST_{hist_period}"

# Input files historical climate from ECLIPS2.0 dataset
eclips_files_hist = [ECLIPS2p0_path / hist_folder / f"{vv}_{hist_period}.tif" for vv in var_names]

Three options to proceed with the ECLIPS-2.0 climate dataset:

Option A: download data from the CLIMAAX cloud storage#

The required input files for the machine learning wildfire hazard model can be downloaded from our dataset mirror on the CLIMAAX cloud storage.

eclips_mirror_pooch = pooch.create(
for file in eclips_files_hist:
    file_rel = file.relative_to(eclips_mirror_pooch.path)

Option B: use resized data from Catalonia sample dataset#

A limited set of already resized climate data based on the ECLIPS-2.0 dataset are provided with the Catalonia sample dataset introduced above. These files can be used for testing, but cover only a small range of configurations for the future climate.

When using the resized sample data, the resizing steps in the following can be skipped.

for path in sample_pooch.registry:
    if path.startswith(str(clim_path)):

Option C: download the full dataset from Zenodo#


The data is provided as a single 87.2 GB-large compressed 7z archive file. This file has to be unpacked after downloading, requiring at least another 90 GB of free disk space and a 7z-capable unpacking application. If you do not require additional fields from the ECLIPS2.0 dataset, we strongly recommend using our dataset mirror instead (Option A).

Execute the next two cells to download, verify and unpack the ECLIPS2.0.7z file. This can take a while. Here, we use the command line application 7za that can be installed on Mac and Linux computers with the p7zip package from conda-forge in the climaax_fire to unpack the contents. For Windows computers, the 7zip application is available.

! 7za x "ECLIPS2.0.7z"

Load region shapefile#

Load a provided shapefile for the region of interest for clipping and plotting.

region_borders = gpd.read_file(bounds_path_area)

Clipping DEM file#

In the following cell, the rasters are clipped using the extent of the shapefile of the sample region. Execute the cell only if you want to resize the rasters. If a shapefile is available, the DEM can be clipped on that.

# Clip raster with shapefile of area of interest
shapes = region_borders.geometry.values

# Clip the DEM file
with rasterio.open(dem_path_full) as src:
    out_image, out_transform = mask(src, shapes, crop=True)
    out_meta = src.meta.copy()

    "driver": "GTiff",
    "height": out_image.shape[1],
    "width": out_image.shape[2],
    "transform": out_transform

# Save the clipped raster
with rasterio.open(dem_path_clip, "w", **out_meta) as dest:

Use this file as a reference for masking other raster data:

with rasterio.open(dem_path_clip) as src:
    ref = src.read(1)

Extract bounds coordinates, for clipping all climate data on that extent:

with rasterio.open(dem_path_clip) as dem_clipped:
    left = dem_clipped.bounds.left
    bottom = dem_clipped.bounds.bottom
    right = dem_clipped.bounds.right
    top = dem_clipped.bounds.top
BoundingBox(left=3488731.355109199, bottom=1986586.6503754416, right=3769731.355109199, top=2241986.6503754416)

Resizing of the climate rasters#

# Output folder for resized historical climate raster files
clim_path_hist = clim_path / hist_config_id
Hide code cell source
def resize_rasters_gdalwarp(raster_list, output_subfolder):
    # Create the output subfolder if it doesn't exist
    os.makedirs(output_subfolder, exist_ok=True)
    # Return list of output file paths
    output_paths = []
    # Loop through the list and perform gdalwarp for each raster
    for raster_path in tqdm(raster_list):
        # Get the filename from the path
        filename = os.path.basename(raster_path)
        # Construct the output path by joining the output folder, the subfolder and the filename
        output_path = os.path.join(output_subfolder, filename)
        # Perform gdalwarp using the string command. I use the data of the blueprint DEM raster as a reference
        os.system(f"gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:3035 -tr 100 -100 -te {left} {bottom} {right} {top} -r bilinear  -overwrite -co COMPRESS=LZW -co TILED=YES -co BIGTIFF=YES -co BLOCKXSIZE=512 -co BLOCKYSIZE=512 {raster_path} {output_path}")
    return output_paths

def check_resized_rasters(raster_list, reference_raster_path):
    for output_raster_path in tqdm(raster_list):
        raster_path = os.path.basename(output_raster_path)
        with rasterio.open(output_raster_path) as output_raster:
            # Open the reference raster
            with rasterio.open(reference_raster_path) as reference_raster:
                # Get the dimensions of the output raster
                output_rows, output_cols = output_raster.shape
                # Get the dimensions of the reference raster
                reference_rows, reference_cols = reference_raster.shape
                # Compare the dimensions
                if output_rows == reference_rows and output_cols == reference_cols:
                    print(f"{raster_path} has the same dimensions as the reference raster.")
                    print(f"{raster_path} does NOT have the same dimensions as the reference raster.")

Resize the rasters and check if the dimensions of the output rasters are the same as the reference raster (not necessary when using the Catalonia sample data):

clim_files_hist = resize_rasters_gdalwarp(eclips_files_hist, clim_path_hist)
check_resized_rasters(clim_files_hist, dem_path_clip)

Resizing of the land use raster#

Clip the CORINE raster to the extent of the area of interest and reproject to EPSG:3035:

os.system(f"gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:3035 -tr 100 -100 -te {left} {bottom} {right} {top} -r near  -overwrite -co COMPRESS=LZW -co TILED=YES -co BIGTIFF=YES -co BLOCKXSIZE=512 -co BLOCKYSIZE=512 {clc_path_full} {clc_path_clip}")
Creating output file that is 2810P x 2554L.
Processing data/veg_corine_reclass.tif [1/1] : 0Using internal nodata values (e.g. 0) for image data/veg_corine_reclass.tif.
Copying nodata values from source data/veg_corine_reclass.tif to destination data_Catalonia/land_cover/veg_corine_reclass_clip.tif.
...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.

Obtain the slope and aspect layers#

Process DEM: calculate slope, aspect and roughness and save them into the output folder.

Hide code cell source
def save_raster_as(array, output_file, reference_file, **kwargs):
    """Save a raster from a 2D numpy array using another raster as reference to get the spatial extent and projection.
    :param array: 2D numpy array with the data
    :param output_file: Path to the output raster
    :param reference_file: Path to a raster who's geotransform and projection will be used
    :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to be passed to rasterio.open when creating the output raster
    with rasterio.open(reference_file) as f:
        profile = f.profile
        with rasterio.open(output_file, 'w', **profile) as dst:
            dst.write(array.astype(profile['dtype']), 1)

def plot_raster_V2(raster, ref_arr, cmap='seismic', title='', figsize=(10, 8), dpi=300, outpath=None,
        array_classes=[], classes_colors=[], classes_names=[], shrink_legend=1, xy=(0.5, 1.1), labelsize=10,
        basemap=False, basemap_params = {'crs' : 'EPSG:4326', 'source' : None, 'alpha' : 0.5, 'zoom' : '11'},
        add_to_ax: tuple = None):
    '''Plot a raster object with possibility to add basemap and continuing to build upon the same ax.

    Example with discrete palette:
    array_classes = [-1, 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1],  # all the values including nodata
    classes_colors = ['#0bd1f700','#0bd1f8', '#1ff238', '#ea8d1b', '#dc1721', '#ff00ff'], # a color for each range
    classes_names = [ 'no data', 'Very Low', 'Low', 'Medium', 'High', 'Extreme'], # names

    add_to_ax: pass an axs to overlay other object to the same ax. it is a tuple (fig, ax)
    if add_to_ax is None:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)
        fig = add_to_ax[0]
        ax = add_to_ax[1]

    if len(array_classes) > 0 and len(classes_colors) > 0 and len(classes_names) > 0:
        cmap = mcolors.ListedColormap(classes_colors)
        norm = mcolors.BoundaryNorm(array_classes, cmap.N)

        # plot the raster
        f = show(np.where(ref_arr == -9999, np.nan,raster), ax=ax,
                cmap=cmap, norm=norm, interpolation='none')

        img = f.get_images()[0]

        # trick to shift ticks labels in the center of each color
        cumulative = np.cumsum(array_classes, dtype = float)
        cumulative[2:] = cumulative[2:] - cumulative[:-2]
        ticks_postions_ = cumulative[2 - 1:]/2
        ticks_postions = []

        # plot colorbar
        cbar = fig.colorbar(img, boundaries=array_classes, ticks=ticks_postions, shrink = shrink_legend)
        cbar.ax.tick_params(labelsize = labelsize)
        # use imshow so that we have something to map the colorbar to
        image = show(np.where(ref_arr == -9999, np.nan,raster), ax=ax, cmap = cmap)
        img = image.get_images()[0]
        cbar = fig.colorbar(img, ax=ax, shrink=shrink_legend)

    for s in ["top", 'bottom', "left", 'right']:

    ax.annotate(title, xy=xy, xytext=xy, va='center', ha='center', xycoords='axes fraction',
            fontfamily='sans-serif', fontsize=12, fontweight='bold')

    if basemap:
        if basemap_params['source'] is None:
            cx.add_basemap(ax, crs=basemap_params['crs'], source=cx.providers.OpenStreetMap.Mapnik,
                    alpha=basemap_params['alpha'], zorder=-1)
            cx.add_basemap(ax, crs=basemap_params['crs'], source=basemap_params['source'],
                    alpha=basemap_params['alpha'], zorder=-1, zoom=basemap_params['zoom'])

    if outpath is not None:
        fig.savefig(outpath, dpi = dpi, bbox_inches='tight')

    return fig, ax

def save_raster_as_h(array, output_file, reference_file, **kwargs):
    """Save a raster from a 2D numpy array using another raster as reference to get the spatial extent and projection.
    :param array: 2D numpy array with the data
    :param output_file: Path to the output raster
    :param reference_file: Path to a raster who's geotransform and projection will be used
    :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to be passed to rasterio.open when creating the output raster
    with rasterio.open(reference_file) as f:
        profile = f.profile
        mask = array == profile['nodata']
        array  = np.ma.array(array, mask=mask)
        with rasterio.open(output_file, 'w', **profile) as dst:
            dst.write(array.astype(profile['dtype']), 1)

def process_dem(dem_path, output_folder, verbose=False):
    """Calculate slope and aspect from a DEM and save them to the output folder.
    :param dem_path: Path to the DEM
    :param output_folder: Path to the output folder
    :param verbose: If True, print some messages
    :return: Nothing
    slope_path = os.path.join(output_folder, "slope.tif")
    aspect_path = os.path.join(output_folder, "aspect.tif")
    northing_path = os.path.join(output_folder, "northing.tif")
    easting_path = os.path.join(output_folder, "easting.tif")
    roughness_path = os.path.join(output_folder, "roughness.tif")
    # Create the output folder if it doesn't exist
    os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True)

    with rasterio.open(dem_path) as src:
        if verbose:
            print(f'Reading dem file {dem_path}')
        dem = src.read(1, masked  = True)
        if verbose:
            print(f'This is what {dem_path} looks like')
            plt.colorbar(shrink = 0.5)
            print('Calculating slope, aspect and roughness')
            gdal.DEMProcessing(slope_path, dem_path, 'slope')
            gdal.DEMProcessing(aspect_path, dem_path, 'aspect')
            gdal.DEMProcessing(roughness_path, dem_path, 'roughness')

    with rasterio.open(aspect_path) as f:
        if verbose:
            print('Calculating northing and easting files')
            print(f'Reading aspect file {aspect_path}')
        aspect = f.read(1,   masked = True)
        if verbose:
            print('Aspect looks like this...')
            plt.colorbar(shrink = 0.5)
        #aspect[aspect <= -9999] = np.NaN
    northing = np.cos(aspect * np.pi/180.0)
    print(f'Saving northing file {northing_path}')
    save_raster_as(northing, northing_path, aspect_path)
    del northing
    print(f'Saving easting file {easting_path}')
    easting = np.sin(aspect * np.pi/180.0)
    save_raster_as(easting, easting_path, aspect_path)
    del easting

def rasterize_numerical_feature(gdf, reference_file, column=None, verbose=True):
    """Rasterize a vector file using a reference raster to get the shape and the transform.
    :param gdf: GeoDataFrame with the vector data
    :param reference_file: Path to the reference raster
    :param column: Name of the column to rasterize. If None, it will rasterize the geometries
    :return: Rasterized version of the vector file
    with rasterio.open(reference_file) as f:
        out = f.read(1,   masked = True)
        myshape = out.shape
        mytransform = f.transform #f. ...
    del out
    if verbose:
        print("Shape of the reference raster:", myshape)
        print("Transform of the reference raster:", mytransform)
    out_array = np.zeros(myshape)#   out.shape)
    # this is where we create a generator of geom, value pairs to use in rasterizing
    if column is not None:
        shapes = ((geom, value) for geom, value in zip(gdf.geometry, gdf[column]))
        shapes = ((geom, 1) for geom in gdf.geometry)
    print("Features.rasterize is launched...")
    burned = features.rasterize(shapes=shapes, fill=np.NaN, out=out_array, transform=mytransform)#, all_touched=True)
    #    out.write_band(1, burned)
    print("Features.rasterize is done...")
    return burned

Run the function to calculate slope, aspect and roughness:

process_dem(dem_path_clip, dem_path, verbose=True)
Reading dem file data_Catalonia/dem/dem_clip.tif
This is what data_Catalonia/dem/dem_clip.tif looks like
Calculating slope, aspect and roughness
Calculating northing and easting files
Reading aspect file data_Catalonia/dem/aspect.tif
Aspect looks like this...
Saving northing file data_Catalonia/dem/northing.tif
Saving easting file data_Catalonia/dem/easting.tif

Land cover data#

# Create an info dataframe on CLC land cover
clc_leg = pd.read_excel("clc2000legend.xls")

# Eliminate nans of the dataframe in column CLC_CODE, wioll put "0-0-0"
clc_leg["RGB"] = clc_leg["RGB"].fillna("0-0-0")

# Create dataframe with CLC_CODE, R, G, B (using split of RGB of clc_leg)
clc_leg["R"] = clc_leg["RGB"].apply(lambda x: int(x.split("-")[0]))
clc_leg["G"] = clc_leg["RGB"].apply(lambda x: int(x.split("-")[1]))
clc_leg["B"] = clc_leg["RGB"].apply(lambda x: int(x.split("-")[2]))

# I need to create a row for accouting for 0 values in the raster
_zero_values_row = pd.DataFrame({ "CLC_CODE": 0, "LABEL3": "No data/Not Burnable", "R": 0, "G": 0, "B": 0}, index=[0])
clc_leg = pd.concat([clc_leg, _zero_values_row]).reset_index(drop=True)

# Create a colormap from the DataFrame
# For all clc codes
cmap = mcolors.ListedColormap(clc_leg[['R', 'G', 'B']].values/255.0, N=clc_leg['CLC_CODE'].nunique())
# For all clc codes except not burnable codes
cmap2 = mcolors.ListedColormap(clc_leg[['R', 'G', 'B']].values/255.0, N=clc_leg['CLC_CODE'].nunique() - 1)

# Create a list to hold the legend elements
legend_elements = []
# Iterate over the rows of the DataFrame
for _, row in clc_leg.iterrows():
    # Create a patch for each CLC code with the corresponding color and label
    color = (row['R']/255.0, row['G']/255.0, row['B']/255.0)
    label = str(row['CLC_CODE'])
    patch = mpatches.Patch(color=color, label=label)
    # Add the patch to the legend elements list


# Open the raster data
with rasterio.open(clc_path_clip) as src:
    # Read the raster band
    band = src.read(1)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
    # Plot the raster
    rasterio.plot.show(src, ax=ax, cmap = cmap)
    # Plot the shapefile
    region_borders.plot(ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="black", linewidth=2)
    # band is the raster data.  I want to know nrows, ncols, NODATA_value, dtype.
    ax.legend(handles=legend_elements, loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.25, 1), title="CLC_CODE", ncols=2)
    ax.set_title("Land cover", fontsize=20)
    print('The shape(rows-columns) of LC map is: ', band.shape,'\n','Datatype is: ', band.dtype,'\n', 'The range of values are: ' , band.min(),band.max())
    print('Values of LC codes are: ', '\n', np.unique(band))
The shape(rows-columns) of LC map is:  (2554, 2810) 
 Datatype is:  int16 
 The range of values are:  0 523
Values of LC codes are:  
 [  0 111 112 121 122 123 124 131 132 133 141 142 211 212 213 221 222 223
 231 241 242 243 311 312 313 321 322 323 324 331 332 333 334 335 411 421
 422 511 512 521 523]

Save the raster of clc with all non-burnable classes set to 0:

list_of_non_burnable_clc = [
    111, 112, 121, 122, 123, 124, 131, 132, 133, 141, 142,
    331, 332, 333, 335,
    411, 412, 421, 422, 423,
    511, 512, 521, 522, 523

# Below, some considerations in the 3XX classes of the CLC and their degree of burnability.
# 331 332 333  are respectively beaches, dunes, sands; bare rocks; sparsely vegetated areas; in this case I will consider them as non-burnable
# 334 burnt areas in this case I will consider them as burnable
# 335 glaciers and perpetual snow in this case I will consider them as non-burnable

# Creating legends for newclc
burnables = set(clc_leg['CLC_CODE'].tolist()) - set(list_of_non_burnable_clc)
burnables = list(burnables)
cmap2_gdf = clc_leg.loc[:,['CLC_CODE','R', 'G', 'B']]
cmap2_gdf = cmap2_gdf[cmap2_gdf['CLC_CODE'].isin(burnables)]
cmap2 = mcolors.ListedColormap(cmap2_gdf[['R', 'G', 'B']].values/255.0, N=cmap2_gdf['CLC_CODE'].nunique()-1)

# Open the raster
with rasterio.open(clc_path_clip) as src:
    # Read the raster band
    band = src.read(1)
    # First plot, left side of the multiplot
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
    # Plot the raster
    plt.imshow(np.where(ref == -9999, np.nan, band), cmap = cmap)
    plt.title('Original CLC')
    plt.colorbar(shrink = 0.5, label = 'CLC_CODE', ticks = [122, 221, 334, 512])
    # Set the values in list_of_non_burnable_clc to 0
    band[np.isin(band, list_of_non_burnable_clc)] = 0
    # Plot the raster, right side of the multiplot
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
    plt.imshow(np.where(ref == -9999, np.nan, band), cmap = cmap2)
    plt.title('Modified CLC by removing non-burnable classes')
    plt.colorbar(shrink = 0.5, label = 'CLC_CODE', ticks = [122, 221, 334, 512])
    # Save the modified raster
    with rasterio.open(clc_path_clip_nb, 'w', **src.profile) as dst:
        dst.write(band, 1)
../../../../_images/cb6d9b841c4536f8fadb0004afc8f1529877460fea0296044cdb7017e194a11f.png ../../../../_images/5d512a83bee1fee7e32c22d4d2fb31017c2e6c23550167d0d1e4b5520a530e6f.png

Cleaning Fire Data#

Data cleaning of Catalan wildfires. Discard all rows whose "YEAR_FIRE" is not of 4 characters. How many are the rows discarded? The row discarded seem to be the overlapping fires… for this they have multiple date entries.

fires = gpd.read_file(fires_path_shapes)
print("Number of rows...", len(fires))

rows_discarded = len(fires) - len(fires[fires['YEAR_FIRE'].str.len() == 4])
fires_2 = fires[fires['YEAR_FIRE'].str.len() == 4]
fires_0 = fires[fires['YEAR_FIRE'].str.len() != 4]
print("Number of rows discarded:", rows_discarded)
print("These are the buggy entries in the FIRE_YEAR column...",fires_0.YEAR_FIRE.unique())
print("I will convert to int the YEAR_FIRE column of the non buggy data...")

#fires_2.loc['YEAR_FIRE'] = fires_2['YEAR_FIRE'].astype(int)
fires_2.loc[:, 'YEAR_FIRE'] = fires_2['YEAR_FIRE'].astype(int) # to avoid setting with copy warning
print("The filtered dataset comprises of ", len(fires_2), "rows, spanning the years" , fires_2.YEAR_FIRE.min(), "to", fires_2.YEAR_FIRE.max())

# in the following, fires_2 will be our geo dataframe with the fires.
# Now selecting just the fires_2 with year > 1990
fires_2 = fires_2[fires_2['YEAR_FIRE'] > 1990]
print("After the filtering the final filtered dataset comprises of ", len(fires_2), "rows, spanning the years" , fires_2.YEAR_FIRE.min(), "to", fires_2.YEAR_FIRE.max())
Number of rows... 1217
Number of rows discarded: 395
These are the buggy entries in the FIRE_YEAR column... ['Unknown' '1995 - 2015 - 2012' '1995 - 2015 - 2021' '1995 - 2012 - 2021'
 '1995 - 2006 - 2010' '1995 - 1999 - 2002' '1995 - 2000 - 2021'
 '1986 - 1995 - 2019' '1986 - 1998 - 2004' '1988 - 1993 - 2001'
 '1986 - 2011' '1986 - 2012' '1986 - 1997' '1986 - 1995' '1998 - 2020'
 '1986 - 1999 - 2012' '1986 - 2003 - 2012' '1986 - 2004 - 2012'
 '1986 - 2006 - 2012' '1986 - 2007 - 2012' '1989 - 1994' '1989 - 2003'
 '1989 - 2005' '1989 - 2020' '1989 - 2014' '1989 -2012' '1990 - 1994'
 '1995 - 2010' '1995 - 2017' '1986 - 2000 - 2021' '1986 - 2001 - 2003'
 '1986 - 2001 - 2022' '1986 - 2002 - 2022' '1988 - 2001' '1988 - 2003'
 '1988 - 2009' '1988 - 2012' '1988 - 1991' '1988 - 1994' '1988 - 2007'
 '1986 - 2016' '1986 - 2022' '1986 - 1994' '1986 - 2005' '1994 - 2003'
 '1994 - 2011' '1994 - 1987' '1990 - 2016' '1990 - 2020' '2005 - 2020'
 '2005 - 2013' '2006 - 2012' '1986 - 2004 - 2022' '1986 - 1994 - 1997'
 '1986 - 1994 - 1996' '1994 - 2005' '1994 - 2015' '1994 - 2002'
 '1994 - 2000' '2002 - 2020' '2003 - 2004' '1994 - 2006' '2006 - 2010'
 '2007 - 2012' '2008 - 2010' '2008 - 2015' '2008 - 2020' '1986 - 1993'
 '1986 - 2000' '1986 - 2001' '1993 - 2005' '2003 - 2011' '2003 - 2012'
 '2003 - 2015' '2003 - 2020' '2003 - 2019' '1999 - 2002' '1999 - 2004'
 '1999 - 2006' '1999 - 2012' '1990 - 1993' '1990 - 2001' '1993 - 1995'
 '1993 - 1994' '1995 - 2012' '2004 - 2017' '2004 - 2012' '2004 - 2015'
 '2004 - 2006' '2004 - 2022' '1994 - 2003 - 2011' '1994 - 2005 - 2013'
 '1994 - 2005 - 2015' '1995 - 2000 - 2015' '1995 - 2000 - 2012'
 '1990 - 1991' '1990 - 2019' '1994 - 1998' '1995 - 2009' '1995 - 2006'
 '1986 - 1994 - 2003' '1986 - 1994 - 2011' '2005 - 2007' '2005 - 2017'
 '2005 - 2008' '2005 - 2021' '1986 - 2007' '1986 - 2013' '2009 - 2020'
 '2009 - 2016' '1986 - 1995 - 1999' '1986 - 1995 - 2002' '1986 - 2002'
 '1986 - 2003' '1986 - 2021' '1986 - 1988' '1986 - 1996' '1986 - 2004'
 '1986 - 1999 - 2002' '1986 - 2003 - 2011' '1986 - 1995 - 1997'
 '1986 - 2000 - 2010' '1986 - 2000 - 2022' '1994 - 2016' '1994 - 1995'
 '1994 - 2017' '2009 - 2019' '2018 - 2019' '2016 - 2019' '1993 - 2001'
 '1993 - 2003' '1993 - 2000' '1993 - 2022' '2012 - 2016' '2016 - 2021'
 '2015 - 2014' '2014 - 2022' '2012 - 2021' '2000 - 2018' '2000 - 2016'
 '2000 - 2021' '2000 - 2006' '2000 - 2003' '2000 - 2012' '2000 - 2007'
 '1988 - 2001 - 2003' '1989 - 2012 - 2017' '1991 - 1993' '1991 - 1994'
 '1991 - 2016' '1994 - 2012' '1995 - 1999' '1995 - 2002' '1996 - 2006'
 '1996 - 2000' '1989 - 1994 - 2001' '1989 - 1992 - 1994' '1986 - 2009'
 '1986 - 1999' '1986 - 1998' '1994 - 2007' '1994 - 2009' '1987 - 2012'
 '1986 - 1989 - 2000' '1986 - 1999 - 2004' '1986 - 1999 - 2006'
 '1989 - 2017' '1989 - 2012' '1989 - 2013' '1989 - 2001' '1988 - 1993'
 '1994 - 2013' '2013 - 2019' '2015 - 2019' '2012 - 2019' '2018 - 2012'
 '2018 - 2016' '1986 - 2015' '1994 - 1999' '1989 - 1993' '1989 - 1991'
 '1994 - 2020' '2000 - 2010' '2001 - 2003' '2001 - 2020' '1986 - 1989'
 '1991 - 2009' '1991 - 2019' '1997 - 2015' '1989 - 1992' '1989 - 2000'
 '1989 - 2007' '2001 - 2010' '2001 - 2018' '2002 - 2017' '1991 - 2020'
 '1991 - 1998' '1991 - 2000' '1995 - 2000' '1995 - 2015' '1997 - 2014'
 '1997 - 2006' '1997 - 2007' '1997 - 2005' '1989 - 2000 - 2020'
 '1989 - 2000 - 2018' '1994 - 2001' '1986 - 2012 - 2018'
 '1986 - 1993 - 2001' '1986 - 1993 - 2000' '1986 - 1993 - 2002'
 '1986 - 1993 - 2022' '1995 - 2021' '1995 - 1997' '1995 - 2013'
 '2012 - 2018' '2017 - 2020' '2017 - 2016' '1990 - 2016 - 2021'
 '1990 - 1993 - 1994' '1990 - 1993 - 2005' '1993 - 1994 - 2002'
 '1994 - 1995 - 1999' '1994 - 2014' '1997 - 2014 - 2015'
 '1998 - 2009 - 2020' '1999 - 2004 - 2012' '2012 - 2017' '2016 - 2020'
 '1994 - 1997' '1999 - 2006 - 2012' '2014 - 2015 - 2019'
 '2012 - 2016 - 2018' '1986 - 1999 - 2004 - 2012'
 '1986 - 1999 - 2006 - 2012' '1986 - 1993 - 2001 - 2022'
 '1986 - 1993 - 2002 - 2022' '1986 - 1994 - 2003 - 2011'
 '1986 - 1995 - 1999 - 2002' '1986 - 2006' '1992 - 1994' '1992 - 1995'
 '1992 - 2011' '1992 - 2020' '1998 - 2003' '1998 - 2009' '1994 - 1996'
 '1998 - 2006' '1995 - 2000 - 2012 - 2015' '1995 - 2000 - 2015 - 2021'
 '1995 - 2000 - 2012 - 2021' '1995 - 2012 - 2015 - 2021'
 '1999 - 2004 - 2006 - 2012' '1986 - 1999 - 2004 - 2006 - 2012'
 '1995 - 2000 - 2012 - 2015 - 2021' '1993 - 2002' '1998 - 2005'
 '1998 - 2004' '1986 - 2016 - 2022' '1986 - 2005 - 2007']
I will convert to int the YEAR_FIRE column of the non buggy data...
The filtered dataset comprises of  822 rows, spanning the years 1986 to 2022
After the filtering the final filtered dataset comprises of  717 rows, spanning the years 1991 to 2022

To avoid overfitting I am going to delete two big fires from the data set. They are located in the central part of Catalonia and they did not represent the classical fire regime in the region. 198969,0 199033,0

fires_2 = fires_2.loc[(fires_2['OBJECTID'] != 199033.0) & (fires_2['OBJECTID'] != 198969.0),:]

The geodataframe of the fires is rasterized and saved to file(raster), using the corine land cover raster as a reference.

# Rasterize the fires...
fires_rasterized = rasterize_numerical_feature(fires_2, clc_path_clip, column=None)
# save to file
save_raster_as(fires_rasterized, fires_path_raster, clc_path_clip)
Shape of the reference raster: (2554, 2810)
Transform of the reference raster: | 100.00, 0.00, 3488731.36|
| 0.00,-100.00, 2241986.65|
| 0.00, 0.00, 1.00|
Features.rasterize is launched...
Features.rasterize is done...


Check that the rasterized fires can assume just the values 0 and 1 and there are no nan values.

# Values of the rasterized fires
print('The values of fire rasterised file are: ', np.unique(fires_rasterized))

# Does the rasterized files have nan?
print('There is a NaN in file: ', np.isnan(fires_rasterized).any())

# Visualize the rasterized fires
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
cx = ax.imshow(np.where(ref == -9999, np.nan, fires_rasterized), cmap = 'inferno')
fig.colorbar(cx, ax=ax, shrink=0.5, ticks=[0, 1])
ax.set_title('Rasterized Historical Fires')
The values of fire rasterised file are:  [0. 1.]
There is a NaN in file:  False

Creating our model#

A class is defined to handle the path and metadata of a raster:

Hide code cell source
class MyRaster:
    dem_raster = MyRaster(dem_path, "dem")
    slope_raster = MyRaster(slope_path, "slope")
    northing_raster = MyRaster(aspect_path, "aspect")
    easting_raster = MyRaster(easting_path, "easting")
    roughness_raster = MyRaster(roughness_path, "roughness")
    dem_rasters = [dem_raster, slope_raster, northing_raster, easting_raster, roughness_raster]
    def __init__(self, path, label):
        self.path = path
        self.label = label
        self.data = None
        self.mask = None
        self.nodata = None

    def read_raster(self):
        with rasterio.open(self.path) as src:
            self.data = src.read(1, masked=True)
            self.mask = src.read_masks(1)
            self.nodata = src.nodata

    def set_data(self, data):
        self.data = data

    def get_data(self):
        return self.data

    def get_mask(self):
        return self.mask

    def get_nodata(self):
        return self.nodata

    def get_label(self):
        return self.label

    def get_path(self):
        return self.path

    def get_shape(self):
        return self.data.shape

Some functions are defined to assemble the dictionaries with the rasters to be used in the model:

Hide code cell source
def assemble_climate_dict(clim_category, clim_cat_namefile, clim_var_names):
    clim_category : string that can have the following values: "rcp45_2011_2020", "rcp45_2021_2040", "hist_1961_1990", "hist_1991_2010"
    clim_cat_namefile: string which classifies the filenames of the category (tipically the years)
        examples are: "201120", "202140", "196190", "199110"
    clim_var_names: a list of strings with the names of the climate variables to be used in the model. An example of such list is:
    ["MWMT", "TD", "AHM", "SHM", "DDbelow0", "DDabove18", "MAT", "MAP", "Tave_sm", "Tmax_sm", "PPT_at", "PPT_sm", "PPT_sp", "PPT_wt"]
    Returns: a dictionary with the climate variables as keys and the MyRaster objects as values
    sample usage:
    climate_dict = assemble_climate_dict("hist_1991_2010", "1991_2010", clim_var_names)
    future_climate_dict = assemble_climate_dict("rcp45_2021_2040", "202140", clim_var_names)

    climate_paths = []
    for clim_var_name in clim_var_names:
        climate_paths.append(os.path.join(clim_category, clim_var_name + "_" + clim_cat_namefile + ".tif"))

    climate_dict = {}
    for path, label in zip(climate_paths, clim_var_names):
        climate_dict[label] = MyRaster(path, label)
    return climate_dict

def assemble_dem_dict(dem_paths, dem_labels):
    """Assemble the dictionary with all the rasters to be used in the model which are related to topography.
    :param dem_paths: paths to the dem and related rasters
    :param dem_labels: labels of the dem and related rasters
    :return: a dictionary with all the rasters to be used in the model
    usage example:
    dem_paths = [dem_path, slope_path, aspect_path, easting_path, northing_path, roughness_path]
    dem_labels = ["dem", "slope", "aspect", "easting", "northing", "roughness"]
    dem_dict = assemble_dem_dict(dem_paths, dem_labels)
    # Create the dictionary
    dem_dict = {}
    for path, label in zip(dem_paths, dem_labels):
        dem_dict[label] = MyRaster(path, label)

    return dem_dict

def assemble_veg_dictionary(veg_path, dem_path, verbose=False):
    """Assemble the dictionary with all the rasters to be used in the model which are related to vegetation.
    This comprises of:
    - the vegetation raster
    - the rasters of vegetation densities: a fuzzy counting of the neighboring vegetation for each type of vegetation
        See Tonini et al. 2020 for more details.

    :param veg_path: path to the vegetation raster.
    :return: a dictionary with all the veg rasters to be used in the model
    usage example:
    veg_dict = assemble_veg_dictionary(veg_path, dem_path, verbose = True)
    # Create the dictionary
    veg_dict = {}
    veg_dict["veg"] = MyRaster(veg_path, "veg")
    veg_arr = veg_dict["veg"].data.astype(int)
    dem_raster = MyRaster(dem_path, "dem")
    dem_arr = dem_raster.data
    dem_nodata = dem_raster.nodata

    veg_mask = np.where(veg_arr == 0, 0, 1)
    # complete the mask selecting the points where also dem exists.
    mask = (veg_mask == 1) & (dem_arr != dem_nodata)

    # evaluation of perc just in vegetated area, non vegetated are grouped in code 0
    veg_int = veg_arr.astype(int)
    veg_int = np.where(mask == 1, veg_int, 0)
    window_size = 2
    types = np.unique(veg_int)
    if verbose:
        print("types of vegetation in the veg raster:", types)

    counter = np.ones((window_size*2+1, window_size*2+1))
    take_center = 1
    counter[window_size, window_size] = take_center
    counter = counter / np.sum(counter)

    # perc --> neighbouring vegetation generation
    for t in tqdm(types, desc="processing vegetation density"):
        density_entry = 'perc_' + str(int(t))
        if verbose:
            print(f'Processing vegetation density {density_entry}')
        temp_data = 100 * signal.convolve2d(veg_int==t, counter, boundary='fill', mode='same')
        temp_raster = MyRaster(dem_path, density_entry) # the path is dummy... I need just the other metadata.
        veg_dict[density_entry] = temp_raster

    return veg_dict, mask

def preprocessing(dem_dict, veg_dict, climate_dict, fires_raster, mask, verbose=True):
    X_all, Y_all, columns = preprocessing(dem_dict, veg_dict, climate_dict, fires_raster, mask)
    # creaate X and Y datasets
    n_pixels = len(dem_dict["dem"].data[mask])

    # the number of features is given by all the dem layers, all the veg layers, all the climate layers.
    # TODO: add the possibility to add other layers which belong to a "misc" category.
    n_features = len(dem_dict.keys())+ len(veg_dict.keys()) + len(climate_dict.keys())
    #create the dictionary with all the data
    data_dict = {**dem_dict, **veg_dict, **climate_dict}

    X_all = np.zeros((n_pixels, n_features), dtype=np.float32) # This is going to be big... Maybe use dask?
    Y_all = fires_raster.data[mask]

    if verbose:
        print('Creating dataset for RandomForestClassifier')
    columns = data_dict.keys()
    for col, k in tqdm(enumerate(data_dict), "processing columns"):
        if verbose:
            print(f'Processing column: {k}')
        data = data_dict[k]
        # data is a MyRaster object and data.data is the numpy array with the data
        X_all[:, col] = data.data[mask]

    return X_all, Y_all, columns

def prepare_sample(X_all, Y_all, percentage=0.1):
    model, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train(X_all, Y_all, percentage)
    X_all: the X dataset with the descriptive features
    Y_all: the Y dataset with the target variable (burned or not burned)
    percentage: the percentage of the dataset to be used for training
    # randomforest parameters
    max_depth = 10
    number_of_trees = 100
    # filter df taking info in the burned points
    fires_rows = Y_all.data != 0
    print(f'Number of burned points: {np.sum(fires_rows)}')
    X_presence = X_all[fires_rows]

    # sampling training set
    print(' I am random sampling the dataset ')
    # reduction of burned points --> reduction of training points
    reduction = int((X_presence.shape[0]*percentage))
    print(f"reducted df points: {reduction} of {X_presence.shape[0]}")

    # sampling and update presences
    X_presence_indexes = np.random.choice(X_presence.shape[0], size=reduction, replace=False)

    X_presence = X_presence[X_presence_indexes, :]
    # select not burned points

    X_absence = X_all[~fires_rows] #why it is zero?
    print("X_absence.shape[0]", X_absence.shape[0])
    print("X_presence.shape[0]", X_presence.shape[0])
    X_absence_choices_indexes = np.random.choice(X_absence.shape[0], size=X_presence.shape[0], replace=False)

    X_pseudo_absence = X_absence[X_absence_choices_indexes, :]
    # create X and Y with same number of burned and not burned points
    X = np.concatenate([X_presence, X_pseudo_absence], axis=0)
    Y = np.concatenate([np.ones((X_presence.shape[0],)), np.zeros((X_presence.shape[0],))])
    # create training and testing df with random sampling
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=0.33, random_state=42)

    print(f'Running RF on data sample: {X_train.shape}')
    model  = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=number_of_trees, max_depth = max_depth, verbose = 2)

    return model, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test

def fit_and_print_stats(model, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, columns):
    """Fit the model and prints the stats on the training and test datasets.
    model: the model to fit
    X_train: the training dataset
    y_train: the training labels
    X_test: the test dataset
    y_test: the test labels
    columns: the columns of the dataset (list of strings that were the keys of the dictionary)
    example usage:
    fit_and_print_stats(model, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, columns)
    # fit model
    model.fit(X_train, y_train)
    # stats on training df
    p_train = model.predict_proba(X_train)[:,1]

    auc_train = sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score(y_train, p_train)
    print(f'AUC score on train: {auc_train:.2f}')

    # stats on test df
    p_test = model.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]
    auc_test = sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score(y_test, p_test)
    print(f'AUC score on test: {auc_test:.2f}')
    mse = sklearn.metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test, p_test)
    print(f'MSE: {mse:.2f}')
    p_test_binary = model.predict(X_test)
    accuracy = sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, p_test_binary)
    print(f'accuracy: {accuracy:.2f}')

    # features impotance
    print('I am evaluating features importance')
    imp = model.feature_importances_

    perc_imp_list = []
    list_imp_noPerc = []

    # separate the perc featuers with the others
    for i,j in zip(columns, imp):
        if i.startswith('perc_'):

    # aggregate perc importances
    perc_imp = sum(perc_imp_list)
    # add the aggregated result

    # list of columns of interest
    cols = [col for col in columns if not col.startswith('perc_')]

    # print results
    dict_imp = dict(zip(cols, list_imp_noPerc))
    dict_imp_sorted = {k: v for k, v in sorted(dict_imp.items(),
                                                key=lambda item: item[1],
    for i in dict_imp_sorted:
        print(f'{i} : {round(dict_imp_sorted[i], 2)}')

def get_results(model, X_all, full_shape, mask):
    """Get the results of the model and returns a raster with the results
    model: the model to fit
    X_all: the dataset with the descriptive features
    dem_arr: the dem array data
    mask: the mask of the dem array with all the valid and burnable pixels
    example usage:
    Y_raster = get_results( model, X_all,dem_arr, mask)
    # prediction over all the points
    Y_out = model.predict_proba(X_all)
    # array of predictions over the valid pixels
    Y_raster = np.zeros(full_shape)
    Y_raster[mask] = Y_out[:,1]
    # clip susc where dem exsits
    Y_raster[~mask] = -1
    return Y_raster

Training the model#

using the previously defined functions:

def make_model(res_path, period, verbose=False):
    # Climate model input fields
    climate_dict = assemble_climate_dict(res_path, period, var_names)
    # DEM input fields
    dem_dict = assemble_dem_dict(
        [dem_path_clip, dem_path_slope, dem_path_aspect, dem_path_easting, dem_path_northing, dem_path_roughness],
        ["dem", "slope", "aspect", "easting", "northing", "roughness"]
    # Vegetation input fields
    veg_dict, mask = assemble_veg_dictionary(clc_path_clip_nb, dem_path_clip, verbose=verbose)
    # Fire data
    fires_raster = MyRaster(fires_path_raster, "fires")
    # Preprocess and assemble training dataset
    X_all, Y_all, columns = preprocessing(dem_dict, veg_dict, climate_dict, fires_raster, mask, verbose=verbose)
    # Prepare for model training
    model, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = prepare_sample(X_all, Y_all, percentage=0.1)
    # Train the model
    fit_and_print_stats(model, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, columns)
    # Return the trained model
    return model
model = make_model(clim_path_hist, hist_period, verbose=False)
Hide code cell output
processing vegetation density: 100%|██████████| 19/19 [00:13<00:00,  1.46it/s]
processing columns: 40it [00:02, 16.42it/s]
Number of burned points: 152232
 I am random sampling the dataset 
reducted df points: 15223 of 152232
X_absence.shape[0] 7024508
X_presence.shape[0] 15223
Running RF on data sample: (20398, 40)
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building tree 100 of 100
AUC score on train: 0.98
AUC score on test: 0.97
MSE: 0.07
[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Done  40 tasks      | elapsed:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Done  40 tasks      | elapsed:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Done  40 tasks      | elapsed:    0.0s
accuracy: 0.90
I am evaluating features importance
perc : 0.14
roughness : 0.14
dem : 0.08
AHM : 0.07
northing : 0.07
veg : 0.06
easting : 0.06
aspect : 0.06
slope : 0.04
MWMT : 0.03
DDabove18 : 0.03
SHM : 0.03
MAT : 0.03
PPT_sm : 0.02
PPT_sp : 0.02
TD : 0.02
PPT_wt : 0.02
Tave_sm : 0.02
DDbelow0 : 0.02
MAP : 0.02
PPT_at : 0.01
Tmax_sm : 0.01

Running the model for the historical climate#

Apply the model to the historical (training) data and compute susceptibility.

def run_model(model, res_path, period, verbose=False):
    # Climate model input fields
    climate_dict = assemble_climate_dict(res_path, period, var_names)
    # DEM input fields (same as training)
    dem_dict = assemble_dem_dict(
        [dem_path_clip, dem_path_slope, dem_path_aspect, dem_path_easting, dem_path_northing, dem_path_roughness],
        ["dem", "slope", "aspect", "easting", "northing", "roughness"]
    # Vegetation input fields (same as training)
    veg_dict, mask = assemble_veg_dictionary(clc_path_clip_nb, dem_path_clip, verbose=verbose)
    # Fire data not needed for running the model, but define output shape
    fires_raster = MyRaster(fires_path_raster, "fires")
    # Preprocess and assemble input data for the ML model
    X_all, _, _ = preprocessing(dem_dict, veg_dict, climate_dict, fires_raster, mask, verbose=verbose)
    # Evaluate the model and return results
    return get_results(model, X_all, fires_raster.data.shape, mask)
Y_raster = run_model(model, clim_path_hist, hist_period)
processing vegetation density: 100%|██████████| 19/19 [00:13<00:00,  1.46it/s]
processing columns: 40it [00:02, 16.23it/s]
[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Done  40 tasks      | elapsed:    7.0s

Convert results array to a raster and save to a file:

suscep_path_hist = suscep_path / f"suscep_HIST_{hist_period}.tif"

save_raster_as(Y_raster, suscep_path_hist, dem_path_clip)

I want to extract the 50, 75, 90, 95 quantiles of Y_raster[Y_raster>=0.0]. Since the susceptibility is the output of a random forest classifier with proba = True, its outputs are distributed between 0 and 1. I need to extract the quantiles of the positive values only, in order to get meaningful data from the arbitrary decisions of the classifier.

    'Min susc is: ', Y_raster[Y_raster>=0.0].min(), '\n'
    'Max susc is: ', Y_raster[Y_raster>=0.0].max(), '\n'
    'Mean susc is: ', Y_raster[Y_raster>=0.0].mean(), '\n'
    'Standard deviation is:', Y_raster[Y_raster>=0.0].std(), '\n\n'
    'q1:', np.quantile(Y_raster[Y_raster>=0.0], 0.5), '\n'
    'q2:', np.quantile(Y_raster[Y_raster>=0.0], 0.75), '\n'
    'q3:', np.quantile(Y_raster[Y_raster>=0.0], 0.9), '\n'
    'q4:', np.quantile(Y_raster[Y_raster>=0.0], 0.95)
Min susc is:  0.0 
Max susc is:  0.9972475600910441 
Mean susc is:  0.17960215239806143 
Standard deviation is: 0.2803774901577964 

q1: 0.0008817715585229313 
q2: 0.2881988651233437 
q3: 0.666882541628856 
q4: 0.8061208597335436

Visualizing the historical susceptibility#

Plot the susceptibility for the present climate:

with rasterio.open(suscep_path_hist) as src:
    band = src.read(1)
    plot_raster_V2(band, ref, cmap='nipy_spectral', title="Wildfire susceptibilty Historical Climate", dpi=100)

Future climate data#

The authors of the ECLIPS2.0 dataset (Chakraborty et al., 2021) used five daily bias-corrected regional climate model results out of nine projections available in the EURO-CORDEX database at the time of this study. The criteria used to select the five climate projections were as follows:

  1. representation of all available RCMs and GCMs;

  2. two RCMs being nested in the same driving GCM; and

  3. one RCM being driven by two different GCMs.

Such criteria were adopted to ensure the representativeness of all combinations of RCMs and GCMs available in the EURO-CORDEX database. The models were driven by two Representative Concentration Pathways scenarios RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 (Moss et al., 2010). The simulations were run for the EUR-11 domain with 0.11° × 0.11° horizontal resolution (Giorgi et al., 2009; Jacob et al., 2014).

Future scenario and period and climate model selection#


  1. A representative concentration pathway scenario from the ECLIPS-2.0 dataset (future_scenario).

    • RCP45: RCP 4.5

    • RCP85: RCP 8.5

  2. A time period to run the machine learning model for (future_period).

    • 201120: 2011 to 2020

    • 202140: 2021 to 2040

    • 204160: 2041 to 2060

    • 206180: 2061 to 2080

  3. A climate model data source (climate_model). The regional climate model (RCM) is nested in the driving global climate model (GCM).

    • CLMcom_CCLM:

      • Climate Limited-Area Modelling Community

      • RCM: CLMcom-CLM4-8-17


    • CLMcom_CLM:

      • Climate Limited-Area Modelling Community

      • RCM: CLMcom-CLM4-8-17


    • DMI_HIRAM:

      • Danish Meteorological Institute

      • RCM: DMI-HIRHAM5



      • Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute

      • RCM: KNMI- RACMO22E

      • GCM: MOHC-HadGEM2-ES

    • MPI_CSC_REMO2009:

      • Max Planck Institute for Meteorology

      • RCM: MPI-CSC-REMO2009



You can return to this point of the workflow and rerun the following cells for different combinations of RCP scenario, climate model and time period without having to train the machine learning model again (as long as you don’t restart the Jupyter kernel).

future_scenario = "RCP45"
future_period = "202140"
climate_model = "CLMcom_CCLM"
# Create a unique identifier from the selected combination for filenames
future_config_id = f"{future_scenario}_{climate_model}_{future_period}"

# Path to data for selected scenario and model in ECLIPS dataset
model_path = ECLIPS2p0_path / f"ECLIPS2.0_{future_scenario}" / f"{climate_model}_{future_scenario[3:-1]}.{future_scenario[-1]}"
# Filenames for selected future period
eclips_files_future = [model_path / f"{vv}_{future_period}.tif" for vv in var_names]

# Output path for resized raster files
clim_path_future = clim_path / future_config_id


When working with the already resized Catalonia ECLIPS2.0 sample data, only scenario RCP45, model CLMcom_CCLM and periods 201120 or 202140 can be selected. You can skip the next two steps where climate model data is downloaded from the ECLIPS2.0 mirror and resized.

Climate model data for chosen configuration#

Download the input fields for the machine learning model for the specified configuration of scenario, climate model and future period from the CLIMAAX ECLIPS2.0 dataset mirror with pooch (skip if you have downloaded the full ECLIPS dataset of are using the Catalonia sample data).

for file in eclips_files_future:
    file_rel = file.relative_to(eclips_mirror_pooch.path)

Resize climate model data#

Extract the selected region and reproject the input data (skip if using the Catalonia sample data).

clim_files_future = resize_rasters_gdalwarp(eclips_files_future, clim_path_future)
check_resized_rasters(clim_files_future, dem_path_clip)

Run the model on future data#

To project the model in the future, we need to repeat the same steps as above, but with the future climate data. The DEM will be the same, and vegetation will be the same (in that case, it is a simplification, but it is ok for now).

Y_raster_future = run_model(model, clim_path_future, future_period)
processing vegetation density: 100%|██████████| 19/19 [00:13<00:00,  1.44it/s]
processing columns: 40it [00:02, 16.23it/s]
[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Done  40 tasks      | elapsed:    7.0s

Visualizing the future susceptibility#

Write the susceptibilty for the future climate:

suscep_path_future = suscep_path / f"suscep_{future_config_id}.tif"

save_raster_as(Y_raster_future, suscep_path_future, dem_path_clip)

Visualization of future susceptibility:

with rasterio.open(suscep_path_future) as src:
    band = src.read(1)
            "Wildfire susceptibility future climate\n"
            f"{future_scenario} {future_period} ({climate_model})"


Functions to define the hazard:

Hide code cell source
def corine_to_fuel_type(corine_codes_array, converter_dict, visualize_result = False):
    """Convert the corine land cover raster to a raster with the fuel types.
    The fuel types are defined in the converter_dict dictionary.
    converted_band = np.vectorize(converter_dict.get)(corine_codes_array)
    converted_band[converted_band == None] = -1
    #convert to int
    converted_band = converted_band.astype(int)
    if visualize_result:
        # discrete colorbar
        plt.colorbar(ticks=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
    return converted_band

def susc_classes( susc_arr, quantiles):
    '''Take a raster map and a list of quantiles and returns a categorical raster map related to the quantile classes.
    susc_arr: the susceptibility array
    quantiles: the quantiles to use to create the classes (see np.digitize documentation)
    bounds = list(quantiles)
    # Convert the raster map into a categorical map based on quantile values
    out_arr = np.digitize(susc_arr, bounds, right=True)
    out_arr = out_arr.astype(np.int8)
    return out_arr

def contigency_matrix_on_array(xarr, yarr, xymatrix, nodatax, nodatay):
    xarr: 2D array, rows entry of contingency matrix
    yarr: 2D array, cols entry of contingency matrix
    xymatrix: 2D array, contingency matrix
    nodatax1: value for no data in xarr : if your array has nodata = np.nan >> nodatax or nodatay has to be 1
    nodatax2: value for no data in yarr : if your array has nodata = np.nan >> nodatax or nodatay has to be 1
    # if arr have nan, mask it with lowest class
    xarr = np.where(np.isnan(xarr)==True , 1, xarr)
    yarr = np.where(np.isnan(yarr)==True , 1, yarr)
    # convert to int
    xarr = xarr.astype(int)
    yarr = yarr.astype(int)

    mask = np.where(((xarr == nodatax) | (yarr ==nodatay)), 0, 1)

    # put lowest class in place of no data
    yarr[~mask] = 1
    xarr[~mask] = 1

    # apply contingency matrix
    output = xymatrix[ xarr - 1, yarr - 1]
    # mask out no data
    output[~mask] = 0
    return output

Create the intensity matrix by converting the CLC raster:

my_clc_raster = MyRaster(clc_path_clip_nb, "clc")

converter = pd.read_excel("./CORINE_to_FuelType.xlsx")
converter_dict = dict(zip(converter.veg.values, converter.aggr.values))

# I obtain the array of the fuel types converting the corine land cover raster
converted_band = corine_to_fuel_type(my_clc_raster.data.data, converter_dict)

# dtype of the converted band
print('data type is: ', converted_band.dtype)
print('values of original map (here corine) are:','\n', np.unique(converter_dict.keys()))
print('Values of fuel map are:','\n', converter_dict.values())
data type is:  int64
values of original map (here corine) are: 
 [dict_keys([111, 112, 121, 122, 123, 124, 131, 132, 133, 141, 142, 211, 212, 213, 221, 222, 223, 224, 231, 241, 242, 243, 244, 311, 312, 313, 321, 322, 323, 324, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 411, 412, 421, 422, 423, 511, 512, 521, 522, 523, 999])]
Values of fuel map are: 
 dict_values([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])

Obtain the hazard map for present climate crossing the susceptibility map with the intensity map:

hazard_path_hist = hazard_path / f"hazard_{hist_config_id}.tif"
hazard_path_future = hazard_path / f"hazard_{future_config_id}.tif"
# compute quantiles for Y_raster
quantiles = np.quantile(Y_raster[Y_raster>=0.0], [0.5, 0.75 ])
print('quantiles are: ', quantiles)

# compute discrete susc array
susc_arr = susc_classes(Y_raster, quantiles) + 1 # >>>>>>>>>> I add 1 to avoid 0 values
print("Now I have just the susc classes", np.unique(susc_arr))

matrix_values = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4],
                          [2, 3, 4, 5],
                          [3, 3, 5, 6]])

# Compute discrete hazard
hazard_arr = contigency_matrix_on_array(susc_arr, converted_band, matrix_values, 0 ,-1)

# Future
Y_raster_future = MyRaster(suscep_path_future, "susc_202140").data
# Compute susceptibility discrete array for future
susc_arr_future = susc_classes(Y_raster_future, quantiles) + 1 # I add 1 to avoid 0 values
# Compute hazard discrete array for future
hazard_arr_future = contigency_matrix_on_array(susc_arr_future, converted_band, matrix_values, 0, -1)

# Save the hazard arrays to file (raster)
save_raster_as_h(hazard_arr, hazard_path_hist, clc_path_clip_nb)
save_raster_as_h(hazard_arr_future, hazard_path_future, clc_path_clip_nb)
quantiles are:  [0.00088177 0.28819887]
Now I have just the susc classes [1 2 3]

Visualize the future and historical hazard classes:

# Hazard cmap
values = [0, 0.9, 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1]
colors_ = ['#00000000', '#0bd1f8', '#1ff238', '#f3db02', '#ea8d1b', '#dc1721', '#ff00ff']

# Create colormap
cmap = mcolors.ListedColormap(colors_, N=len(values))
#norm = mcolors.BoundaryNorm(values, len(values))

region_borders.to_crs(epsg=3035, inplace=True)

# Loop over hazard paths and plot
for hazard_path in [hazard_path_hist, hazard_path_future]:
    haz_arr = rasterio.open(hazard_path).read(1)
    name = os.path.basename(hazard_path).split('hazard_')[-1].split('.tif')[0]
        classes_names=['no data', 'very low', 'low', 'medium', 'high', 'very high', 'extreme'],
        title=f'Wildfire hazard {name}',
../../../../_images/4f7790a54f98a7ebca134d7a39c8391561751b7d9b910e8075cc3db2bbb3e075.png ../../../../_images/8dd875a60ebdd50731a6fc06572845db28250b1f80d049740c7ab73e9a022f4d.png



  • Tonini, M.; D’Andrea, M.; Biondi, G.; Degli Esposti, S.; Trucchia, A.; Fiorucci, P. (2020): A Machine Learning-Based Approach for Wildfire Susceptibility Mapping. The Case Study of the Liguria Region in Italy. Geosciences 2020, 10, 105. DOI: 10.3390/geosciences10030105

  • Trucchia, A.; Meschi, G.; Fiorucci, P.; Gollini, A.; Negro, D. (2022): Defining Wildfire Susceptibility Maps in Italy for Understanding Seasonal Wildfire Regimes at the National Level. Fire 2022, 5, 30. DOI: 10.1071/WF22138

  • Trucchia, A.; Meschi, G.; Fiorucci, P.; Provenzale, A.; Tonini, M.; Pernice, U. (2023): Wildfire hazard mapping in the eastern Mediterranean landscape. International Journal of Wildland Fire 2023, 32, 417-434. DOI: 10.1071/WF22138

  • Chakraborty, D.; Dobor, L.; Zolles, A.;, Hlásny, T.; Schueler, S. (2021): High-resolution gridded climate data for Europe based on bias-corrected EURO-CORDEX: The ECLIPS dataset. Geoscience Data Journal, 2021;8:121–131. DOI: 10.1002/gdj3.110

  • Chakraborty D.; Dobor L.; Zolles A.; Hlásny T.; Schueler S. (2020): High-resolution gridded climate data for Europe based on bias-corrected EURO-CORDEX: the ECLIPS-2.0 dataset [Data set]. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3952159