Service desk

Service desk#

For questions and support related to the CLIMAAX Handbook, including the Framework, workflows, datasets and software, as well as all services associated with your ECMWF account, the CLIMAAX service desk can be contacted via our support request form:

  1. Go to

  2. Log in with your ECMWF account if you are not already. Information and help for the login process is available in the user documentation of ECMWF.

  3. Provide a title and description of your request and select the “CLIMAAX” service in the list at the bottom. Otherwise your request will reach the CLIMAAX support team only with delay.

  4. Click “Create” to send the request.

You will receive email notifications with updates to the status of your request. Depending on the topic of the request, experts from the CLIMAAX team, e.g., the developers of a specific risk assessment workflow, are consulted when answering a request. Service desk requests are otherwise private.


The support team will provide a first response to eligible requests, i.e., requests from the selected regions of the CLIMAAX Open Calls, within 3 working days. Other requests are processed without a response guarantee based on the availability of the support team.

We determine eligibility for service desk support via the submitting account’s email address. Please inform us about email addresses to be added our list with a service desk request from an account that is already known to us through the list of eligible accounts. The list is initialized with the contact points from the open call process.