⚠️This is the first operational version of the handobook, but it is still a work in progress and will be heavily updated during 2024!⚠️

Potential Impacts of Riverine Flood#

Risk assessment methodology#

In this notebook we will look at deterministic river flood risk. It will be calculated as a combination of rover flood extent maps of different return periods and flood damage for variouse land use categories.

  • River flood extent and water depth: available from the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service for different return periods. Flood extent map of 100m resolution

  • Land-use information: The land cover map is available from the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service

  • Flood damage: translated based on flood inundation depth using damage curves (available here. For each grid point, the inundation depth is used to assess the damage, based on the land use type and country-specific parameters that can be defined by the user.

These are examples of possible datasets, the idea is that a user could apply the methodology even with their own data.

Preparation work#

Load libraries#

In this notebook we will use the following Python libraries:

  • os - Provides a way to interact with the operating system, allowing the creation of directories and file manipulation.

  • pooch - A data retrieval and storage utility that simplifies downloading and managing datasets.

  • numpy - A powerful library for numerical computations in Python, widely used for array operations and mathematical functions.

  • pandas - A data manipulation and analysis library, essential for working with structured data in tabular form.

  • rasterio - A library for reading and writing geospatial raster data, providing functionalities to explore and manipulate raster datasets.

  • rioxarray - An extension of the xarray library that simplifies working with geospatial raster data in GeoTIFF format.

  • damagescanner - A library designed for calculating flood damages based on geospatial data, particularly suited for analyzing flood impact.

  • matplotlib - A versatile plotting library in Python, commonly used for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations.

  • contextily A library for adding basemaps to plots, enhancing geospatial visualizations.

These libraries collectively enable the download, processing, analysis, and visualization of geospatial and numerical data, making them crucial for this risk workflow.

# Package for downloading data and managing files
import os
import pooch

# Packages for working with numerical data and tables
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# Packages for handling geospatial maps and data
import rioxarray as rxr
import rasterio
from rasterio.enums import Resampling

# Package for calculating flood damages
from damagescanner.core import RasterScanner

# Ppackages used for plotting maps
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import contextily as ctx

Create the directory structure#

In order for this workflow to work even if you download and use just this notebook, we need to set up the directory structure.
Next cell will create the directory called notebook in the same directory where this notebook is saved.

# Define the folder for the flood workflow
workflow_folder = 'flood_workflow'

# Check if the workflow folder exists, if not, create it along with subfolders for data and results
if not os.path.exists(workflow_folder):
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(workflow_folder, 'data'))
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(workflow_folder, 'results'))

Download data#

The data we are using is available as compressed ZIP files in the JRC data portal. Since there is no API to download this data, we can use pooch library to donwload and unzip the data.

Pooch will check if the zip file already exists by comparing the hash of the file with what is stored in the default and only download it if it is not already there.

Flood data#

First we download the flood data for 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 years.

In the list of pairs return_periods, first value is the return period, and second value is the hash of the dataset.

Next cell will:

  • create the create the data folder inside the notebook folder

  • loop through all return periods and download and unzip each file in the data folder (if the data doesn’t already exist).

Data for each return period can also be manually downloaded from this link in the JRC data portal.

# Define directories for data and results within the previously defined workflow folder
data_dir = os.path.join(workflow_folder, 'data')
results_dir = os.path.join(workflow_folder, 'results')
# Define a list of return periods with associated hash values
return_periods = [('010', '6dfba3cba22bf99fefb45e66963b8dbf7054e81b8a6b46258eff6ffda686d2a4'), 
                  ('020', 'a497725f7edf00ed01f3084e3d755b77294c53939b5f7ad5174f59c0331a5d34'), 
                  ('050', '47a804f617b0bbc9646ae3274e4959ba21edf4ef2bac778051f86ce7fcf4cde5'), 
                  ('100', 'cecda59c96d6dcd340a1ff2e82efc1caabd5c98d650b70fca5e802fd01872cae'),
                  ('200', '9988c310a306c8244fda542b6e5ea2956a5b98ffc06ed3104cef869443646533'),
                  ('500', 'a64803d8e31ca35bff0e386388d44b06674c78e3e8777e1d44a05098e0730268')]

# Loop through each return period and download the corresponding flood map
for item in return_periods:
    return_period, khash = item
    url = f'https://cidportal.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ftp/jrc-opendata/FLOODS/EuropeanMaps/floodMap_RP{return_period}.zip'

Note that now we have a directory flood_workflow/data where all the zip files and unzipped flood files are. Take a look and check if the files are there.

Land-use information#

Next we need the information on land use.
We will download it from the JRC data portal.


Once the data is downloaded and unzipped, Pooch will list the content of the directory with the data.

landuse_res = 50 # choose resolution (options: 50 or 100 m)
luisa_filename = f'LUISA_basemap_020321_{landuse_res}m.tif'

# Check if land use dataset has not yet been downloaded
if  not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(data_dir,luisa_filename)):
    # Define the URL for the LUISA basemap and download it
    url = f'http://jeodpp.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ftp/jrc-opendata/LUISA/EUROPE/Basemaps/2018/VER2021-03-24/{luisa_filename}'
        known_hash=None,  # Hash value is not provided
        path=data_dir,    # Save the file to the specified data directory
        fname=luisa_filename  # Save the file with a specific name
    print(f'Land use dataset already downloaded at {data_dir}/{luisa_filename}')
Land use dataset already downloaded at flood_workflow\data/LUISA_basemap_020321_50m.tif

Damage curves#

We will use damage curves files from the JRC.

# Import damage curves of the JRC from a CSV file into a pandas DataFrame
JRC_curves = pd.read_csv('JRC_damage_curves.csv', index_col=0)

# Plot the JRC depth-damage curves

# Set the title and labels for the plot
plt.title('JRC depth-damage curves for different damage classes')
plt.xlabel('Flood depth [m]')
plt.ylabel('Damage ratio [%]')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Damage ratio [%]')

Explore the data#

Now that we have downloaded and unpacked the needed data, we can have a look what is inside.

Flood data#

We have downloaded river flood hazard map of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin Region.
The maps depict river flood depths (in meters) for six different flood frequencies (from 1-in-10-years to 1-in-500-years). The extent comprises most of the geographical Europe and all the river basins entering the Mediterranean and Black Seas in the Caucasus, Middle East and Northern Africa countries.

The maps can be used to assess multipe types of risk to river flooding in a region. Potential uses are the exposure of population, economic assets to river floods, flooded roads, assessing acces to healthcare facilities, etc. In this risk recipe we will look into economic damages.

All the downloaded files are stored in our data_dir folder, with filenames starting with: floodmap_EFAS_RP folowed by the number of years for the return period.


Explore the file content Fell free to explore the content and structure of the datasets.
Note the coordinates, dimensions and attributes!

# Define the filename for the flood map based on the specified data directory
filename_flood = f'{data_dir}/floodmap_EFAS_RP500_C.tif'

# Open the flood map raster using rioxarray
flood = rxr.open_rasterio(filename_flood)

# Display the opened flood map
<xarray.DataArray (band: 1, y: 45242, x: 63976)>
[2894402192 values with dtype=float32]
  * band         (band) int32 1
  * x            (x) float64 9.19e+05 9.19e+05 9.192e+05 ... 7.316e+06 7.316e+06
  * y            (y) float64 5.441e+06 5.44e+06 5.44e+06 ... 9.166e+05 9.164e+05
    spatial_ref  int32 0
Attributes: (12/13)
    AREA_OR_POINT:           Area
    DataType:                Generic
    RepresentationType:      ATHEMATIC
    STATISTICS_COVARIANCES:  8.857045422371877
    STATISTICS_MAXIMUM:      276.49700927734
    STATISTICS_MEAN:         2.3875402056979
    ...                      ...
    STATISTICS_STDDEV:       2.976078866961
    _FillValue:              -3.402823e+38
    scale_factor:            1.0
    add_offset:              0.0

Land use data#

The Land use data is extracted data directory. The data shows on a 100 by 100 meter resolution what the land use is for Europe in 2018. The land use encompasses various types of urban areas, natural land, agricultural fields, infrastructure and waterbodies. This will be used as the exposure layer in the risk assessment.

# Define the filename for the land use map based on the specified data directory
filename_land_use = f'{data_dir}/{luisa_filename}'

# Open the land use map raster using rioxarray
land_use = rxr.open_rasterio(filename_land_use)

# Display the opened land use map
<xarray.DataArray (band: 1, y: 92000, x: 130000)>
[11960000000 values with dtype=int32]
  * band         (band) int32 1
  * x            (x) float64 9e+05 9.001e+05 9.001e+05 ... 7.4e+06 7.4e+06
  * y            (y) float64 5.5e+06 5.5e+06 5.5e+06 ... 9.001e+05 9e+05
    spatial_ref  int32 0
    AREA_OR_POINT:  Area
    _FillValue:     0
    scale_factor:   1.0
    add_offset:     0.0

Process the data#

If we have a closer look at the x and y dimensions of the flood and landuse datasets, we can see that the data have different resolutions. Flood extent maps are at 100 m resolution, while land use data is at a 100 or 50 m resolution depending on the selected file. Different resolutions are an issue when doing calculations with the maps. We can use xarray to get them to the same resolution.

But first we need to clip and zoom into them to the same area, so we don’t interpolate the whole global field (this takes a lot of time to do). For this we use the rioxarray library again. you can go to the Bounding Box Tool to select a region and get the coordinates. Make sure to select ‘CSV’ in the lower left corner and copy the values in the brackets below

In this example we are clipping the bounding box around Barcelona.

bbox = [1.983871,41.252461,2.270614,41.449569] # Barcelona, Spain
# Set the coordinate reference system (CRS) for the land use map to EPSG:3035
land_use.rio.write_crs(3035, inplace=True)

# Clip the land use map to the specified bounding box and CRS
land_use_small_area = land_use.rio.clip_box(*bbox, crs="EPSG:4326")

# Define values and colors for different land use classes
LUISA_values = [1111, 1121, 1122, 1123, 1130,
                1210, 1221, 1222, 1230, 1241,
                1242, 1310, 1320, 1330, 1410,
                1421, 1422, 2110, 2120, 2130,
                2210, 2220, 2230, 2310, 2410,
                2420, 2430, 2440, 3110, 3120,
                3130, 3210, 3220, 3230, 3240,
                3310, 3320, 3330, 3340, 3350,
                4000, 5110, 5120, 5210, 5220,

LUISA_colors = ["#8c0000", "#dc0000", "#ff6969", "#ffa0a0", "#14451a",
                "#cc10dc", "#646464", "#464646", "#9c9c9c", "#828282",
                "#4e4e4e", "#895a44", "#a64d00", "#cd8966", "#55ff00",
                "#aaff00", "#ccb4b4", "#ffffa8", "#ffff00", "#e6e600",
                "#e68000", "#f2a64d", "#e6a600", "#e6e64d", "#c3cd73",
                "#ffe64d", "#e6cc4d", "#f2cca6", "#38a800", "#267300",
                "#388a00", "#d3ffbe", "#cdf57a", "#a5f57a", "#89cd66",
                "#e6e6e6", "#cccccc", "#ccffcc", "#000000", "#ffffff",
                "#7a7aff", "#00b4f0", "#50dcf0", "#00ffa6", "#a6ffe6",

# Plot the land use map using custom levels and colors
land_use_small_area.plot(levels=LUISA_values, colors=LUISA_colors, figsize=(10, 10))

# Set the title for the plot
plt.title('LUISA Land Cover for the defined area')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'LUISA Land Cover for the defined area')
# Clip the flood map to the specified bounding box and CRS
flood_small_area = flood.rio.clip_box(

# Plot the clipped flood map with specified color map limits
flood_small_area.plot(figsize=(10, 10), vmin=0, vmax=10)

# Set the title for the plot
plt.title('Flood map for the defined area')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Flood map for the defined area')
c:\Users\buskop\Anaconda3\envs\climaax\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\colors.py:718: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in multiply
  xa *= self.N

Combining datasets with different resolution#

Next we need to interpolate the flood data into the land use map grid in order to be able to calculate the damage map.
We can use the xarray interp_like() function, that will interpolate the flood grid into the land use data.

In case our land use map was courses we would not like to actually interpolate the land use values between gridcells because then ‘new’ land use values will be created that do not have a meaning. To prevent that we are using method ‘nearest’, to assign the values to the nearest grid points.

# Reproject the clipped flood map to match the resolution and extent of the land use map
flood_small_area_matched = flood_small_area.rio.reproject_match(land_use_small_area, resampling=Resampling.bilinear)
# check the new resolution of the floodmap
(50.0, -50.0)

For now we save them as tif so DamageScanner package can use them as input.

# Create a new GeoTIFF file for the matched flood map
with rasterio.open(
) as dst:
    # Write the data array values to the rasterio dataset
# Create a new GeoTIFF file for the clipped land use map
with rasterio.open(
) as dst:
    # Write the data array values to the rasterio dataset

Additional info for the LUISA land use maps#

In order to assess the damage done by the flood we also need to assign a monetary value to the land use categories. We define this as the potential loss in €/m². For now these are rough estimates for Europe and give an initial idea of the exposed assest per land use class. To adjust it to your own region, go into the provided LUISA_damage_info_curves.xlsx and tweak the information. For more information and understand what the variables in the Excel sheet are, look at the following page for more instructions: Working with vulnerability curves.

# Read damage curve information from an Excel file into a pandas DataFrame
LUISA_info_damage_curve = pd.read_excel('LUISA_damage_info_curves.xlsx', index_col=0)

# Extract the 'total €/m²' column to get the maximum damage for reconstruction
maxdam = pd.DataFrame(LUISA_info_damage_curve['total €/m²'])

# Save the maximum damage values to a CSV file

# Display the first 10 rows of the resulting DataFrame
total €/m²
Land use code
1111 600.269784
1121 414.499401
1122 245.022999
1123 69.919184
1130 0.000000
1210 405.238393
1221 40.417363
1222 565.843080
1230 242.504177
1241 565.843080
# Create a new DataFrame for damage_curves_luisa by copying JRC_curves
damage_curves_luisa = JRC_curves.copy()

# Drop all columns in the new DataFrame
damage_curves_luisa.drop(damage_curves_luisa.columns, axis=1, inplace=True)

# Define building types for consideration
building_types = ['residential', 'commercial', 'industrial']

# For each land use class in maxdamage, create a new damage curve
for landuse in maxdam.index:
    # Find the ratio of building types in the class
    ratio = LUISA_info_damage_curve.loc[landuse, building_types].values

    # Create a new curve based on the ratios and JRC_curves
    damage_curves_luisa[landuse] = ratio[0] * JRC_curves.iloc[:, 0] + \
                                   ratio[1] * JRC_curves.iloc[:, 1] + \
                                   ratio[2] * JRC_curves.iloc[:, 2]

# Save the resulting damage curves to a CSV file

# Plot the vulnerability curves for the first 10 land cover types
damage_curves_luisa.iloc[:, 0:10].plot()
plt.title('Vulnerability curves for flood damages for the LUISA land cover types')
plt.ylabel('Damage (%)')
plt.xlabel('Inundation depth (m)')
Text(0.5, 0, 'Inundation depth (m)')

Calculate the damage using DamageScanner library#

Now that we have all pieces of the puzzle in place, we can start doing the risk calculation. For this we are using the DamageScanner python library which allows for an easy damage calculation.

The DamageScanner takes the following data:

  • The clipped and resampled flood map

  • The clipped landuse map

  • The created vulnerability curves

  • A table of maximum damages per landuse category

# Define file paths for the flood map, land use map, vulnerability curves, and maximum damages
inun_map = os.path.join(data_dir, 'flood_small_area_matched.tif')
landuse_map = os.path.join(data_dir, 'land_use_small_area.tif')
curve_path = os.path.join(data_dir, 'curves.csv')
maxdam_path = os.path.join(data_dir, 'maxdam_luisa.csv')
# Do the damage calculation and save the results as 'flood_scenario'
loss_df = RasterScanner(landuse_map,
                        save = True, 
                        nan_value = None, 
                        scenario_name= f'{results_dir}/flood_scenario',
                        dtype = np.int64)
# Obtain the LUISA legend and add it to the table of damages
LUISA_legend = LUISA_info_damage_curve['Description']

# Combine loss_df with LUISA_legend
category_damage = pd.concat([LUISA_legend, (loss_df[0])], axis=1)

# Convert the damages to million euros
category_damage['damage mln.'] = category_damage['damages'] / 10**6

# Drop the 'damages' column
category_damage.drop('damages', axis=1, inplace=True)

# Sort the values by damage in descending order
category_damage.sort_values(by='damage mln.', ascending=False, inplace=True)

# Display the resulting DataFrame (top 10 rows)
Description damage mln.
1241 Airport areas 1152.798569
1210 Industrial or commercial units 702.296261
2120 Permanently irrigated land 246.800760
2310 Pastures 168.113301
1330 Construction sites 74.205321
1221 Road and rail networks and associated land 65.206589
2220 Fruit trees and berry plantations 61.732591
4000 Wetlands 57.194315
3230 Sclerophyllous vegetation 53.302390
1421 Sport and leisure green 33.157720

Plot the results#

Now we plot the damages to get a spatial view of what places are financially most affected.

# Open a raster file representing flood damages for a specific scenario
damagemap = rxr.open_rasterio(f'{results_dir}/scenario200_damagemap.tif')

# Select values in the damagemap that are greater than 0
damagemap = damagemap.where(damagemap > 0)

# Create a plot with a specified size
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))

# Plot the damagemap with a color map representing damages and a color bar
damagemap.plot(ax=ax, cmap='Reds', cbar_kwargs={'label': "Damage [€]"})

# Set plot title and labels for X and Y coordinates
plt.title('Flood damages for 500 year return period')
plt.xlabel('X coordinate in the projection')
plt.ylabel('Y coordinate in the projection')

# Add a basemap background to the plot using Contextily
ctx.add_basemap(ax=ax, crs=damagemap.rio.crs.to_string(), source=ctx.providers.CartoDB.Positron)

To get a better indication of why certain areas are damaged more than others, we also plot the floodmap and land use maps in one figure.

# Create a 2x2 grid of plots with a size of 20x15 inches
fig, ([ax1, ax2], [ax3, ax4]) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(20, 15))

# Plot flood damages on the first plot
damagemap.plot(ax=ax1, cmap='Reds', cbar_kwargs={'label': "Damage [€]"})
ax1.set_title('Flood damages for 500 year return period')
ax1.set_xlabel('X coordinate in the projection')
ax1.set_ylabel('Y coordinate in the projection')

# Plot inundation depth on the second plot
flood_small_area_matched.where(flood_small_area_matched > 0).plot(ax=ax2, cmap='Blues', cbar_kwargs={'label': "Inundation depth [m]"})
ax2.set_title('Flood depth for 500 year return period')
ax2.set_xlabel('X coordinate in the projection')
ax2.set_ylabel('Y coordinate in the projection')

# Plot land use on the third plot with custom colors
land_use_small_area.plot(ax=ax3, levels=LUISA_values, colors=LUISA_colors, cbar_kwargs={'label': "Land use class [-]"})
ax3.set_title('LUISA Land Cover for the defined area')
ax3.set_xlabel('X coordinate in the projection')
ax3.set_ylabel('Y coordinate in the projection')

# Remove the fourth plot (ax4)

# Add a map background to each plot using Contextily
ctx.add_basemap(ax1, crs=damagemap.rio.crs.to_string(), source=ctx.providers.CartoDB.Positron)
ctx.add_basemap(ax2, crs=flood_small_area_matched.rio.crs.to_string(), source=ctx.providers.CartoDB.Positron)
ctx.add_basemap(ax3, crs=land_use_small_area.rio.crs.to_string(), source=ctx.providers.CartoDB.Positron)

# Display the plot

Here we see both the the flood depths and the associated damages. What we notice is that high flood depths do not necesarilly corrolate to high damages. Can you see why? It can have two causes. Either the landuse does not have a high economic value, or the land use is very resilient to high water levels. Make sure to check the results and try to explain why high damages do or do not occur in case of high innundation. Find that something is wrong? Reiterate your assumptions made in the LUISA_damage_info_curves.xlsx and run the workflow again.



In this risk workflow we learned:

  • How to get flood maps and land use maps for your specific region.

  • Assign each land use type with a vulnerability curve and maxmum damage.

  • Combining the flood (hazard), landuse (exposure), and the vulnerability curves (vulnerability) to obtain an economic damage estimate.

  • Understand where damage comes from and how exposure and vulnerability are an important determinant of risk