⚠️ This is the first operational version of the handbook, but it is still a work in progress and will be heavily updated during 2024! ⚠️


Simple already available admonitions#

Simple, already available admonition boxes are added like this. You can add **note, warning,

Here is a note!


Here is a note!

This is the list of all available admonition types:

  • attention

  • caution

  • danger

  • error

  • hint

  • important

  • note

  • seealso

  • tip

  • warning

Admonition with custom text#

```{admonition} You can put your own text here 
:class: hint
And class will give it the colour and icon.


You can put your own text here

And class will give it the colour and icon.

```{admonition} Dropdown hidden boxes are of class **dropdown** 
:class: dropdown hint
This is a hidden hint :)


Learn more#

See also

You can find more about admonition boxes in MyST documentation